xmedia - Web Content Creation Services

S m a l l - B u s i n e s s   S t a r t e r   P a c k a g e

We have designed this package to help small businesses get on-lin very quickly, for a small fee of $300, we will create and setup your complete site in a very short time. This package includes the following services,

To take advantage of this service, you will need to provide us with the following,
  1. Textual content for your pages. If you already have a printed brocure or literature that describes you product or serices, we can use that as a starting point.
  2. A 25 word description of your web site.
  3. Some keywords that describe your service. These keywords should be what someone will use while searching for your product/service, such as yours.

C u s t o m   W e b - S i t e  C r e a t i o n  S e r v i c e s

If your web site does not fit neatly into one of our packages, we will be happy to create a custom web site for you. We can work with you togive you an estimate for creating a web site. Our hourly charges for web-site related work are listed below.

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